Welcome to 2023 - Things that are Changing

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Levidrome List

Year 2023 is starting, and the Levidrome List website is still going strong supporting the levidrome cause.

When this site first started in 2017 there were many articles and publications we were able to reference. At the beginning we had published a couple of articles per month.

This is year 7 for this site. The quest of recognizing the word levidrome will be still be ongoing (albeit fewer articles per year). However, things change.

The internet changes.

We have been keeping up with the changes when they occur.

Periodically, we go through our website and look for broken links (links going to stale or non-existent pages), or redirects (page may still exist, but at a different location). These are routine tasks for many web developers (or at least should be).

We had published 88 articles about Levidromes (89 including this article). Many articles make reference to external sites where a publication originally showed up on the intertubes.

Most of these sites still exist.

Some require minor tweaks, changing from http to https for example.

Other are not so minor.

For example, levidrome showed up in the Oxford webpages twice in their blogs at the previous locations of https://blog.oxforddictionaries.com/2017/11/24/weekly-word-watch-levidrome-oumuamua-weaselflood/ and https://blog.oxforddictionaries.com/2018/04/05/super-bowl-superb-owl-wordplay-name/. However, if you try to go to those links today, you get redirectd to https://languages.oup.com. No blog anymore. https://oxforddictionaries.com went through a bit of a re-org and it became oup.com, which stands for Oxford University Press.

There is also https://public.oed.com, which stands for Oxford English Dictionary. There is a blog there, but it appears to be either a new blog with no older articles, or a completely different blog.

So even though levidrome had appeared on the original oxforddictionaries.com blog, you almost have to take our word for it now because the original publication is gone.

Maybe I am looking at these new sites too early and they still need to update their information from the old site.

But, perhaps the re-org is good. A fresh start for Oxford dictionaries.

2023 could be a fresh start for levidrome too, bring in the new year with hope that this is the year it will be recognized by the dictionaries.

Oxford made some changes...perhaps to make room for the word levidrome?

Levidrome, we've got this.

Some Additional Languages Added

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Our first post of the new year. Happy New Year to all.

We have added a really old language as well as a really new language.

First the old language - Arabic

It has been around for a really long time. I found a pretty decent list of words online, so I have added the list to our dictionary section as well as finding the arabic levidromes and the palindromes.

Now for the next language - Esperanto. This is a somewhat new and rare language. It has only been around since 1887 and its purpose is to be a constructed language, or a international auxiliary language. Here are the Esperanto levidromes and the palindromes.

With these two languages added, this makes our dictionaries total 18,232,479 words, with 32,786 levidromes and 3,909 palindromes.

As always, if there is a language you would like to see added, let us know. It is easy to create the lists...It is just more difficult getting decent dictionary file of words.

Another Language Added - Tagalog

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I hate to sound like I live in a bubble, but I live in a bubble.

Tagalog. Before today, I have never even heard of it. But, this language is spoken by more than 22 Million people. Filipino is an updated version of Tagalog.

We have included both the levidromes and the palindromes from this language.

If there is a language you would like to see added, let us know. It is easy to create the lists...It is just more difficult getting decent dictionary file of words.

With Tagalog being added, it brings the list of levidromes up to over 31000 pairs.

Do I See Palindromes?

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What's this? Do I see palindromes as a main heading...on a levidrome site?

Well, yes you do. When we started this site, we wanted to assist Levi and his parents get the word out about levidromes. We focussed only on levidromes. Palindromes were mentioned, but only in respect to the Levi story and definitions on the main page of our site. No other site had levidromes, but others had palindromes.

Palindromes played a huge roll in the creation of the word "levidrome". If it wasn't for palindromes, who knows what a levidrome would have been called.

So to salute the palindrome, we decided to give it an equal footing on our website by providing it the same dips into our dictionary files. After all, the tools we used to generate the levidromes also produced palindromes, so we already had the lists. So we have levidrome lists as well as palindrome lists from all the same language sources.

Even though you now see palindromes on our site, we haven't jumped ship or anything. On the contrary, we are promoting an accepted word - Palindrome, but we are also promoting the accepted word - Levidrome.

We just now need the dictionaries to accept the word too.

Levidromelist.com Is Even More Mobile Friendly

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Our website has been mobile friendly since we launched. However, effective today, we are Mobile first. To accomplish this, we re-did our images and website layout to cater towards mobile devices first, then fall back to "big screen" devices like PCs and iMacs. For the most part, your shouldn't notice much of a difference if you visit levidromelist.com on a PC but if you visited with a tablet or phone, the browsing experience should be better.

We also did some geeky stuff on the server itself. I won't bore you with the details but it basically tells your device / PC not to reload each page every time you visit our site (caching). Overall, a better browsing experience.


Hindi and Afrikaans Levidromes Added

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Hindi Levidromes Added

We expanded our lists by adding the Hindi and Afrikaans languages. We came across some good wordlists of hindi and afrikaans words from https://github.com/Shreeshrii/hindi-hunspell/blob/master/Hindi/hi_IN.txt and libreoffice dictionaries. There are 2732 hindi and 438 afrikaans levidromes.

Changing our News Page to Blog-Style Pages

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Changing our News Page to Blog-Style Pages

We have been adding a number of articles about levidromes lately. Unfortunately, when adding articles to one page, it gets to be pretty big after a while. It also becomes difficult to determine when certain events occurred.

So we have decided to change the style of the Levidrome News page to that of a blog. Since blogs are normally chronological, we had to post-date a number of articles to a point in time when they occurred, some even before this website came into existence.

Another advantage of a blog style News section is it provides a very easy way of looking up the history of events. It makes it easier for someone to link to a particular article rather than a page with combined articles.

Latin Levidromes Added

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Latin Levidromes Added

We expanded our lists by adding the Latin language. We came across a good wordlist of Latin words from http://archives.nd.edu/whitaker/wordsoth.htm. There are 1262 latin levidromes.

Additional Languages Added

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Additional Languages Added

When we launched our site on November 23, 2017, we only had English levidromes. However, living in Canada, our country is officially bilingual with English and French as our official languages. We figured there would be levidromes in French as well. So we broadened our lists by not only adding French, but 19 other languages as well. Generating a list of levidromes is easy. Getting a clean list or words is the tricky part.

Levidromelist.com Launches

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Levidrome List Launches

We saw the video of Levi's quest, and were inspired. We figured we could help by producing a list of levidrome words. We registered the levidromelist.com domain on November 22, 2017. We launched the site 2 days after registering. At launch we only had the English levidrome pairs.