Do I See Palindromes?

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What's this? Do I see palindromes as a main heading...on a levidrome site?

Well, yes you do. When we started this site, we wanted to assist Levi and his parents get the word out about levidromes. We focussed only on levidromes. Palindromes were mentioned, but only in respect to the Levi story and definitions on the main page of our site. No other site had levidromes, but others had palindromes.

Palindromes played a huge roll in the creation of the word "levidrome". If it wasn't for palindromes, who knows what a levidrome would have been called.

So to salute the palindrome, we decided to give it an equal footing on our website by providing it the same dips into our dictionary files. After all, the tools we used to generate the levidromes also produced palindromes, so we already had the lists. So we have levidrome lists as well as palindrome lists from all the same language sources.

Even though you now see palindromes on our site, we haven't jumped ship or anything. On the contrary, we are promoting an accepted word - Palindrome, but we are also promoting the accepted word - Levidrome.

We just now need the dictionaries to accept the word too.