Levidrome - Birthday Number 5

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Levidrome Birthday 5

Five years! Wow, time has flown by!

It has been 5 years since the video was published to promote the levidrome cause. Half a decade. This year marks a bit anniversary. If it was a wedding anniverary, then 5 years would be wood. Hence our wood gnawing friend wishing levidrome a half a decade of existence.

Levidrome became quite news worthy when first suggested 5 years ago. Over the years however, not too much has been appearing in the news anymore.

But that doesn't mean levidrome is disappearing. During the past year, we have been posting articles somewhat regularly. The levidrome game Cryptic Clue is still being played on Twitter. The Reddit community honored levidromes again with a second round of contests in their Photoshopbattles community. A youtube video was created showing the proper pronounciation of levidrome.

Levidromes, as well as palindromes, don't really appear too much in print or on the web because these words really don't make it to kitchen table conversations. Even though levidromic pairs occur much more frequent than expected, people are not going out of their way to say, "Oh, that was a levidrome". There was an article published on Times Colonist referencing this anomaly.

To get a word recognized by the popular dictionaries doesn't happen overnight. Five years, and levidromes are still going strong. They will be around at lot longer than you think.

Levidrome, we've got this.

Levidrome, and Other Alternatives?

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Levidrome Alternates

Levidromes hit the main stage over four years ago. When it did, there was an article published by Alexander Atkins, called Levidrome: The Word That Launched a Thousand Erroneous Stories.

The jist of this article essentially said that there was already a word to describe what levidrome is wanting to define, and that word is semordnilap.

Semordnilap is palindromes spelled backwards.

Semordnilap made its first appearance in 1961 when it appeared as an annotation in the book Oddities and Curiosities of Words and Literature, by C.C Bombaugh.

This word was also pointed out in the video which Lucky / Levi produced to promote their levidromic cause.

As pointed out in the video and in other articles, semordnilap has not been accepted by the vast majority of linquists or the population at large.

Levidrome. Semordnilap. But are there other words as alternates?

Google is your friend.

If you check the internet for semordnilap, you should come across a few articles.

In a Today I Found Out article which was written in 2015, it mentions a number of potential words which could have the same definition as levidrome.

These are:

  1. backronyms
  2. volvograms
  3. heteropalindromes
  4. semi-palindromes
  5. half-palindromes
  6. reversgrams
  7. mynoretehs
  8. recurrent palindromes
  9. reversible anagrams
  10. word reversals
  11. reversal pair
  12. anagram
  13. reversion
  14. inversion
  15. antigram
  16. anadromes

From the The Island English Tutor article, anadromes, heteropalindromes and palingrams were mentioned. The author, AJ Mittendorf, admits making up the word palingrams. The article, which appears under the site's word play section had no date but appears to have been published late 2014 or early 2015.

I was quite impressed with this article because it actually had a list of 189 levidromes. Hmmm, an odd number, how is that possible since levidromes are always in pairs?

Some of these suggested words listed above could possibly be in the running for a word with a different definition when the spelling is reversed.

However, if one looks more closely at these suggestions, some of them already exist in the dictionary but the definition doesn't quite fit for a levidrome.

Other words are a play on the word palindrome. Indeed, a levidrome is a palindrome but a special type of palindrome because of its unique definition. Many of these plays on the word palindrome (including semordnilap) were not accepted and do not appear in the dictionaries. Levidrome too is composed of the word palindrome because of the nature of the word, ie. spelled backwards.

Of the words you have seen today, which is your favorite? We may be a little biased, but we like levidrome.

Call Me Levidrome

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Levidrome Userid

Intriguing title. Call Me Levidrome. For some reason when I hear that I think of the song "Call Me Mayby".

The word levidrome has been around now for over four years.

As such, a fan of this word could make a username called "levidrome" for their account somewhere.

This is definitely not far fetched. There is a twitter account called levidrome. There is a hashtag called #levidrome. There is levidrome@gmail.com on Google. When people play games, some people may use the word levidrome as their gaming ID. Watch Slither.io and see.

The levidrome.com domain is still owned by someone. The same with levidrome.ca and levidromes.com. Levidromelist.com too (by me of course). But the others, someone is still keeping up the domain name and paying to keep the domain registered and active. Imagine that. People are paying to keep the word levidrome alive.

That is just the username.

Dollars to donuts, I bet some people may be using levidrome as a password too. Why not? It is not a dictionary word, yet. It is unique enough. Nine letters. So for now, quite a secure password (just change it up a bit with special characters, etc).

Let's face it, people love the word "Levidrome".

And what's not to love? It is a cool word, and if you have been following the levidrome quest, it is a worthy word for this unique type of palindrome.

Call me Levidrome. Call me Maybe. Maybe Levidrome? This is crazy.

If not anything, I hope we left a song going in your head.

Go Levidrome!

Levidrome Pronounciation

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Learning Family

We have been following levidrome since the idea first came out a number of years ago. We want to find new news, posts, articles, videos or anything new about levidromes and update our "Levidrome Central".

To source out new information, Google is your friend. We do custom searches through Google and various other search engines, limiting our searches to anything new which was posted, say in the last 30 days. We came across another YouTube video.

The YouTube channel Learning Family hilights various words and phrases and shows the proper pronounciation of those words. And look what was posted on March 11, 2022. Levidrome!

It is nice to see that this site first of all recognizes the word levidrome, but also went through the effort of making a pronounciation video for it.

Way to go Learning Family! We too recognize your page!

Happy Levidrome Day 2202 2022

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Levidrome Date

Today is February 22, 2022. If we have a date format of mm/dd/yyyy, a common and popular date format you would find mostly in Europe, today would be written as 22/02/2022

This will be the last levidromic or palindromic date of this century.

Happy Levidrome Day! Oh, and also, Happy Palindrome Day!

Levidrome in 2022

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What is a Levidrome

First post of the year.


Wow, writing it down make it sound so ... futuristic.

The journey continues for another year.

To start the year we will recap the quest. Levi and his father are trying to get the word levidrome recognized by the official dictionaries.

There is not a dictionary recognized word fitting the definition of "a word with a different meaning when the spelling is reversed". Levidrome is on their watch list.

Semordnilap is not recognized.

Semordnilap is a palindrome for palindromes.

So an important part of a levidrome is also a palindrome.

Palindromes became part of our website back in 2020. Why not? It is part of the story of a levidrome. We haven't really paid too much tribute to the palindrome on our levidrome focussed website, but maybe we should.

Palindromes have been around since the eary 1600s, invented by poet and playwright Ben Jonson (no, not the Canadian sprinter, that was Ben Johnson). It is comprised of greek words "palin" meaning "again" and "dromos" meaning "direction".

So Palindrome means "again direction" (sounds like a music group).

Pretty cool.

Palindromes have been recognized for over 400 years.

Since palindromes means "again direction", then Levidrome could mean "Levi direction".

Another sign for the dictionaries to follow. To the direction of Levidrome for this unique word.

2022! Futuristic! Welcome to the future. Welcome to Levidromelist.com!

Let's make this happen.

There is a hashtag for this...#levidrome