Levidrome Finder

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Levidrome Finder

We have introduced a new tool to help people find levidromes in various documents.

The tool is called Levidrome Finder. To used the tool you copy your text then paste it into the text box of the tool then click on "Find those Levidromes". The process will then seek out the language you have selected and find any matching levidromes. It will hilite the levidromes and mark them as bold if both pairs are in the same document. There is also a summary at the bottom of the results page with counts of all levidromes found.

The image we have in this article shows a snippet from the NYTimes text after we did a copy and paste of their website. From the December 16, 2018 web edition of the NY Times, our Levidrome finder found 185 levidromes from 1856 words from their website. Not bad. Ten percent of the front page on that day were levidromes! If we change the language selection to English-Insane, it is closer to 20 percent. And, there were also 4 levidrome pairs found as well (both partners of the levidrome pair). We think that is pretty exciting.

Try out our tool on other pages or on other documents. You will soon discover that we are all levidromists without even really trying.

Have fun, and #LEVIDROME

Let's make this happen!

Aside: This "Levidrome Finder" article had 26 levidromes. See if you can find them. Hint. Use the tool.