William Shatner Tweets To Oxford Dictionary About Levidrome

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William Shatner Tweets To Oxford Dictionary About Levidrome

Oxford dictionary was approached by high profile celebrity William Shatner. His tweet which can be seen here states:

Dearest @OxfordWords I just sent you an email about #Levidromes - a word that when spelled backwards, turns into a different yet valid english word for addition to your dictionary. Please see youtu.be/jpZ3bh1R6Kk for more info on this new exciting word! X O ! Bill

Oxford replies:

Thank you very much for your email to Oxford Dictionaries. We are always grateful to receive contributions and feedback, but because of the quantity of correspondence we receive, we are not in general able to reply personally to specific content comments or language queries. All submissions are passed on to our editorial team, who will take your comments into consideration when updating the dictionary data. Kind regards, The Oxford Dictionaries team